Hey, http://www.facebook.com/PedroRamirezArt
is the place where some stuff that is not yet included here is posted, since right now is a time when Im applying to different graduate programs, the blog was being kept pretty strictly ceramic, that will change back soon but until it does facebook will have the polymer clay stuff that is going on, also after entering the grad program I will merge beautifulclayflowers.blogspot.com into this one as well. So like the facebook page to show me you were there and enjoy the latest which is a figure a day until 2013!
I will be making a figure each day they are morphing back into affirmation figures and I cant wait because in 2013 they will again be affirmations. What do I mean? You will see...
Monday, December 24, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Guatemala Visit 2012
Its been two years and three months since I visited Guatemala and yet here I am in the same and rather large room contemplating the journey home. This trip was different in so many ways its astounding, but to be art specific, I have been moved to include some new imagery in the ceramic vessels and have drawn and written about the vessels themselves and am excited to see them move into a new and different area. I have decided to get a real website and have several sections, in the about the art section I will do something of a breakdown of the various parts, which I have done on paper, perhaps it will just be an upload of such images, but basically its a seed pod on a base, with various elements each with a significance for me, for instance the quetzal always represented my first trip to Guatemala, now I am going to change this, its going to be some pre columbian imagery now that I have learned more about the history of this Country and seen how it affects present day. I have always romanticised this country because for me it was a rediscovery of my childhood and nature and it gave me pleasure to do so. I will by no means stop doing this, if anything I will amplify it.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
The Blog of 8,000 words
They say a picture is worth a thousand words so these should explain everything that is going on right now in art and in life:
Monday, November 12, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
The Theriocephalous Figure on a collapsed pot
The latest is a wonderful terra cotta pused in or collapsed ceramic vessel which has a central figure per usual but this time its a therioanthrop. The change from nude female (nature goddess) to a theriocephalous figure makes sense, it changes things immediately there will be no lost in translation undertones for the meanings of the centralized figure. The animal head right away makes one think of mythology or ancient deities, this has always been the role of the central figure, a "play pretend" character, not an actual person, it represented nature and safety security, home. This deer figure has replaced the nude figure, the deer figure can have breasts, chest, or neither, it can be androgynous or clearly male, its able to change shape at will, its like the very material its made out of flexible and able to take on any form. So the Gods of abundance are here to bring in the next round of sculpted pottery from Pedro Ramirez. More photos when you click below.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Susan Beiner
I attended a workshop by Susan Beiner on the 13th at the Clay Art Center which was both informative and inspiring click below to see more.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Miniature Clay Flowers (and pottery)
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Bisque ware progress
From the pure white pottery to slip/engobe decorated minis which have been glazed and are ready to go into the kiln.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
2012 Ceramic Works of Art
This is in a way a summary of the last few months blogs all into one with less words and no progress photos.