Yesterday while driving, I was hit by the idea to use makeup on my figures to get some interesting effects, so today I got some and went after one of my male figures, makeup is fun and pretty ;-p
The figure is the one from this blog.
Pedro, your art is different and talented, I wish you were closer so that i was able to see them and ask If I could possibly buy one from you. That is if they were up for sale? What a great guy.
I like the makeup effect, it turned out well on the figure!
ReplyDeletePedro, your art is different and talented, I wish you were closer so that i was able to see them and ask If I could possibly buy one from you. That is if they were up for sale? What a great guy.
ReplyDeletePaul Anthony(Solomon)
my style is the bomb wit the bom the dang-da-dang diggy diggy