Friday, March 14, 2008

Photo Blog - Azul Ojo AKA Gaia Goddess

In my March 1st blog, Tres Hermanitas, I showed you guys Azul Ojo and how she turned into Gaia, the goddess of earth!
Well, here she is for your viewing pleasure with her beautiful real blue Morpho didius wings.

She is fierce

And I forgot to mention, she is a replacement for the piece that was destroyed (two sepearate times) below. First she was a warrior Amazon woman, then when she was damaged, I took the head and placed it on a fairy dancer figure... she was doomed I guess, perhaps cursed that night at Union Square park years ago...
No molds! I just re-poainted over her eyes and made a new body and hair.


beachgrl said...

She is fierce! Beautiful!
Lori (you did "Missy" for me)

Pedro Ramirez said...

Hi Lori!
She amazes me, im afraid to sell her so shes not even for sale right now! By the way, your mermiad is going out Tuesday!