Friday, August 27, 2010


Greetings loved ones,

I am currently in Guatemala, and amongst the wonderful culture and language shock and the ambient mountains and abundance of natural growing things and the obvious self sufficiency of this place, all I can think about is Art art art, what im going to create when I get back... how i cant wait to try this or that, and all the sketches and wiritings i have done while here.  I just hope the art materializes once in the states, my mood here is easy, there is no negative stress, I sleep a lot, and everything is new and different.  I have visited museums and taken pictures of modern as well as ancient art and have lots of ideas for projects dealing with figures and not dealing with figures.  Many of my ideas have little to do with the colors or ruins of this country, it simply allowed me the calirty to allow the ideas to come through.

See you soon.

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