Wednesday, December 10, 2008


the stuff below is in not taken form, or ramble, but the thoughts are good platforms on which to create the next set of sculptures... I cant wait, right now im at a point where I cant force myself, I have to actually think about why im making stuff at all.

Change the world view that people are sinners and that god is going to save them. Quest for knowledge. Empiricism, look at something and examine it. Looking to know (learn) is empiricism. The visual element volume and also line in certain instances. The renaissance is the beginning of the modern world, and a way of thinking outside of the middle ages. Secular art, away from religious. To be a humanist is to be interested in humanity, what it is to be human. Joy in knowing. Make an enclosed garden which symbolizes the unbroken womb of the virgin. Like Titian's "Pastoral Concert" ideas that nature gives us life. Those restorative things that bring us back to where we came from. Water = life refreshment. Figures being a poetic allusion, muse, inspiration of music. Allusion = allegory, roses represent beauty, sensualness. How can secular art have depth, seriousness? Introspection, we are not just intellectual, but thoughtful. part of what makes our identity is our inner life which is hard to capture. A secularization and individual thinking. Art is a product of an individual, not a society and reflect that artists life and world view. Virgin Mary? NO, celebrate the grandeur in individuals.

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