How can Gaia, mother earth, battle the relentless Industrialization of mankind? Who will ultimately win? Industry has such bane qualities as being masculine, full of greed, discord, and separating itself from the source. Nature is primary, mankind was one of her children, somehow mankind separated itself from nature, from the fundamental “being”. Certain individuals within mankind created industrialization, they built cities and mechanical objects, they proved their superiority over nature by burning her forests, clearing her fields, blackening her skies, polluting her waters, and grew to be a creature of greed. The many hands on this monster represent the many ways in which people can take, take, take things away from nature, and each other. Something that is always grabbing to destroy and obtain everything within its power. It is metallic and shiny, because it is industrial and dark, it is masculine because masculine energy is often violent and forceful. Nature is graceful, growing, sprouting, blooming, standing tall and strong, she nurtures and cares for her children, including those individuals who cling to her and care for her soils. Nature may seem to be conquered by mankind, but mankind IS nature, its only the self-induced separation that has occurred which creates the rift between the two. As you can see some people who love nature and believe in its healing powers and strength are safe, they will not be harmed when it comes time for nature to stop being the passive force which is now is, nature will rise up and squash this pollution as a form of cleansing. So return to nature, love and respect her beaches, soils, and air and she will love you in return.
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