Sunday, June 10, 2012

City College Ceramics Studio Pictoral Tour

Take a visual tour of the City College Ceramics studio, I will have a youtube video walking you through as well.  Click below to see the rest of the photos.

above is the main working room where there are tables for hand building and wheels on the left for throwing, the room gets lots of natural light and air.

This is the slab roller in the same room.

Here is the pug room... lots of reclaim and of course the pugmill itself...

This is the pugmill, it works and makes recycling clay a bit less laborious.

view of the pug room with sink

Mud pies can be wedged or put into the pugmill

They are EVERYWHERE, placed on plaster boards and bats, they can dry out faster.

This is clay I have recycled, went from muck to soft workable clay that people can create projects with.

This is a view of the glaze room, there are lots of chemicals in here for glaze formulation from scratch, and also a bunch of duncan commercial glazes and colored slips.

Commercial glazes/slips

Clay Chemicals and elements for clay body formuation and glaze chemistry

a storage room of sorts, some of the adjunct professors keep their belongings here there are also more chemicals present.

One of three kilns, the largest which is lowered down from a pulley chain, this kiln has an automatic program for firing.

The other two kilns, medium which is a manual kiln, and a small digital one which is usually fired extremely low for lowfire reds.

Shelves for greenware, fired bisque, to be glazed bisque, and fired glazeware

This is the plaster studio, where molds and castings are done

Sorry the pictures are out of order, but here in the pug room is more clay to be recycled, the clay in the bags is actually not moist :(

smaller reclaim buckets (can be done in a day if very dilligent)

MORE reclain... this is a larger bucket.

And more reclaim... since taking these photos I have taken care of those two smaller buckets, they no longer contain dry clay, and the larger bucket is being worked on.

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