Saturday, November 21, 2009

Midnight Blues

I wanted adult female proportions for this miniature figure, yet I wanted the same detailing as in my larger figures, and I did it. I made her hand one finger at a time, instead of the mitten method of old times… the mitten method is where you make a mitten and draw three lines in it to look like fingers. I hand painted on a necklace and an Egyptian eagle tattoo - symbol of power. Her dress exposes her thigh on one side - freedom from restrictions.  Her eyes are closed - trusting intuition. The outstretched hand is symbolic in a lot of my figures, the open hand either receives or offers, alluding to the universal energy which flows through us, to give is just as important as to get and she is getting.  I put her next to one of the older figures and you can see how quickly they were made, they were in a way mass produced even though they were handmade, now each and every figure is going to be a work of art.  This new method takes a ridiculous amount of time to complete one figure, but its worth it.

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