Saturday, June 15, 2013

I've finally got my blog back!

Oh joy, the blog is finally MINE again.  Yes, if you look back to like 2007 or whenever you can see this was  my blog of all things me.  That included all things art, mostly polymer clay but also ceramics which I had begun to take in college.  Well... my immensely popular how to's and catalog of figurines was my pride and joy and I loved to ramble away... then came professionalism.  I used the blog on my professional application to graduate school and also for some galleries so I only posted the ceramic vessels for a while.   I also wrote less and less as my writings are stream of consciousness/creative writing style and not really edited or even thought about beforehand.

So, I finally have split my blog in two, all of the posts of the past were uploaded to the new blog at and so there and here at the butterfly people the exact same posts exist, but from this point on the polymer clay art will be posted here, and the ceramic art posted there.  I will always love my mini figurines and love tiny things, dollhouse miniatures and the like and will not stop making or collecting and selling them, so here lies those objects.  Its quite freeing actually, the PedroRamirezArt blog will accompany the website with the same name and the stuff here will likewise be for which I am going to buy hosting for soon as I am toally relaunching the etsy store minifigure and also street/park vending again this summer.   Ah, to be free to just show off my little clay creations (which I was reserved to using my facebook art page to do so).

Check out the latest!  Next time I will blog on and on about the cicadas and how wonderful they are and how I collected a bunch of wings.

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